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Developmental Editing & Book Coaching Grant Application

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Allie B., Contemporary Romance Writer | @allielbaker

“I debated hiring a developmental editor because I wasn’t sure if my manuscript needed it or if I wanted to make the investment. After my experience working with Ronan, I know with absolute certainty that I made the right decision. From our first call, Ronan understood my vision — they even mentioned one of my comps after reading just the first chapter. I immediately knew they were invested in my novel and cared about making it better.

All the notes in their editorial letter and throughout the manuscript were spot on. They helped me deepen my two protagonists’ internal struggles and motivations, and make their journeys more impactful. They diagnosed issues with pacing and character arc and helped me brainstorm concrete ways to finesse what wasn’t working. They also provided encouragement and support around what was working.

Overall, Ronan’s feedback was insightful, empathetic, and extremely valuable. I left our second call feeling so much more confident in my manuscript and genuinely excited to tackle the revisions. I know that working with Ronan will take my novel to the next level — and hopefully get it ready to query soon!”