Writers blog
Insider blog posts to help you demystify the publishing process and reach your writing goals.

How to Write a Query Letter: The Secret Sauce That Landed Me 8 Offers from Literary Agents
I’ll show you the exact 4-part structure—and the secret sauce I used—to write a query letter that landed me 8 offers from literary agents.

How I Got 8 Offers from Literary Agents in 1 Month (For My First Book?!) + My Query Stats
The top 5 steps I took that helped me land 8 offers from literary agents.

Best Books on Writing: The Four Craft Books Every Fiction Writer Should Read
Looking for the top books on writing that you should be reading? These are my top 4 recommendations — they helped me land a 6-figure book deal!

How to Use Scrivener: A Simple Tutorial for Overwhelmed Fiction Writers
Feeling overwhelmed by Scrivener? I break down the key features you should be using in this simple tutorial!
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