Bright Burning Stars

BY A.K. Small

Query Letter

I am reaching out to you because I have finished my first YA novel, RAT-GIRLS, and after working with Laura Chasen, a freelance editor who knows a few people in your office quite well, she suggested that I send it to you.

I am an ex-ballet dancer and grew up in Paris, France. The story of RATS is told in the first person and rotates between an American dancer and a French dancer who are both in their last year of training at the school of the Paris Opera. They are best friends and sixteen. The story is not only about how far these young incredibly talented artists are willing to push themselves for their art form but it is also about teen depression and how passions and friendships can help heal deeply rooted wounds.

I write in a physical way, if that makes any sense. The body of these dancers--how they house their love for the sport--is a big part of why I wrote this book. I wanted to honor what it feels like to live ballet many hours a day.

I hope that you might be interested in the project. I'm looking for someone who will champion my dancers all the way through.

I was awarded the 2016 Aspen Summer Words fellowship with its opening chapters and I have published in various journals both YA and adult fiction. I hold an MFA in fiction from Vermont College of Fine Arts.

I have attached the mss in a word document.



Age Range

Young Adult


Contemporary Fiction

Book Link


Wendi Gu

Query Stats


Number of Queries Sent


Number of Full Requests Received


Number of Offers of Representation


Number of Months Spent Querying This Novel

4 months


Years Spent Writing Before Getting an Offer


Number of Manuscripts Queried Before This One


Publication Status of The Book Queried

Published (Big 5)

Note to Querying Writers:

I since just published IF I PROMISE YOU WINGS 1/16/24, but sold on spec so did not have a query!




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