Don't Want To Be Your Monster

BY deke moulton

Query Letter

Ten-year-old Adam Rossi has a lot on his plate; or, a lot in his blood-filled cup, since vampires don’t eat. He’s the youngest in a huge family – his mothers have rescued hundreds from more dangerous vampire covens – and it’s hard to find his place in it. Not helping the situation is his older brother, Victor, who idolizes the villainous movie vampires they used to make fun of.

When mortals start getting murdered in their quiet, Washington State town, their differences come to a head. Adam wants to use his vampire strengths to track down the killer, whereas Victor sees it as an opportunity to get a never-ending supply of guilt-free young blood. When it becomes clear that a vampire hunter may be the one behind the murders – using the bodies as bait to draw out their kind –Adam and Victor will need to find a way to reconcile their differences and work together to stop the killer before it’s too late.

YOUNG BLOOD is a 59,000-word Middle Grade contemporary fantasy.

I received an A.A. in Modern Standard Arabic from the Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center and graduated magna cum laude from Northeastern Illinois University with B.A.s in History and Anthropology. I am also an alumni of the 2016 Big Sur Writing Conference. Currently I am serving in the US Army with such varied assignments as Arabic linguist and drill sergeant. I have used my experiences traveling around the world, years living abroad, and encountering and appreciating foreign cultures to bring realism to my work, emphasizing a diversity of characters.

Thank you for your time and your consideration!



Age Range

Middle Grade


Fantasy (Contemporary)

Word Count


Book Link


Emily Forney

Query Stats


Number of Queries Sent

~ 60

Number of Full Requests Received


Number of Offers of Representation


Number of Months Spent Querying This Novel

5 months


Years Spent Writing Before Getting an Offer


Number of Manuscripts Queried Before This One

More than 3

Publication Status of The Book Queried

Published (Big 5)

Years Spent Writing Before This Book was Published

I honestly started writing with the intent to publish when I was 11, after I wrote a novel in a spiral notebook and attempted to mail it to Scholastic (how else do you get a book published?) So I would say roughly 30 serious years of actually writing with the purpose of publication, though I cannot remember a definitive moment of wanting to write for publication, it's something I've always wanted to do.


Waking Fire


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