The Luminous Dead

BY caitlin starling
harper voyager

Query Letter

Lethe is my first original novel, a 91,000 word claustrophobic young adult sci-fi/horror story with strong action elements. It juxtaposes physical adventure and danger against an intimate relationship between two under-pressure teenage girls, Gyre Price and Em Arasgain. The majority of the novel takes place in a single large cave system, and while Gyre and Em refer to other characters, sometimes see videos of other characters, and encounter strange creatures, Gyre and Em can only speak with each other as they deal with trauma, grief, guilt, privacy, trust, and autonomy.

Gyre Price lives on a poor, economically exploited colony world. Her mother abandoned her family when she was a girl, and now, at sixteen years old, her only chance of a half-decent life is beneath a kilometer of rock, hired by a mysterious employer to map a deadly cave while dodging the local fauna: a giant beast known locally as the Tunneler. Her only link to the surface, to any other human, is a radio comm to her employer, the enigmatic Em. Em has agreed to pay her ten times the going rate for the work, enough to get Gyre off the planet and on her mother's trail. The catch? Where Gyre would normally have a team of skilled professionals helping her, she has only Em, and Em has secrets and traumas of her own, traumas that go as deep as the tunnels Gyre is squirming through. And Em has full control of Gyre’s life for the duration of the job, by contract. If she wanted to, she could simply lock Gyre's suit in place and leave her to die.

Isolated and angry, surrounded by the constant threat of disaster (a tunnel collapse, a gear malfunction, or the last caches of supplies running dry), Gyre finds out more than she ever wanted to know about Em's life. Her cold, unfeeling handler is barely older than she is, and has grown up chasing the ghosts of her parents down to where her father died years before, and her mother returned to in her grief. She's driven, hyper focused, and reflexively self-reliant, but Gyre recognizes the fear and pain - pain Gyre knows very, very well.
Through it all, Gyre has the sinking feeling that she's being watched. Followed. She's not alone. And when they finally reach the bottom of the cave so that Em can say goodbye to her father's memory, they find that they're not the only ones down there. The Tunneler and the cave are the least of their worries.
They find living, breathing, screaming ghosts ready to chase them back to the surface.



Age Range




Word Count


Book Link


Caitlin McDonald

Query Stats


Year Queried


Number of Queries Sent


Number of Full Requests Received


Number of Offers of Representation


Number of Months Spent Querying This Novel

14 months


Years Spent Writing Before Getting an Offer


Number of Manuscripts Queried Before This One


Publication Status of The Book Queried

Published (Big 5)

Years Spent Writing Before This Book was Published

10-11, though not all years were active

Note to Querying Writers:

If I had to do it again, I would have tightened the query a little more and figured out comp titles to include (in fact, in later querying rounds while waiting for the two agents who eventually offered to read the full manuscript, I did play with title and comps). Also, although I queried as YA, I decided during calls with the two agents who offered that I would prefer to shop it as adult (which was actually how I'd originally written it; the YA lens slipped in during revisions). Both were very supportive and talked me through the pros and cons of each option. One independently recommended switching to adult on our first call.




Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry