Uptown Thief

BY aya de leon

Query Letter

I am seeking literary representation for my novel, "The Manhattan Escort and Larceny Service," complete at 120,000 words. I was thrilled to discover your interest in women's fiction and multicultural stories, making me eager to submit my work to you.

In a world where survival means unconventional methods, Marisol Rivera, a former prostitute-turned-madam, takes on the responsibility of protecting her women's health clinic by any means necessary. This includes funding it through a call girl ring that targets the safes of the rich and unscrupulous. Marisol's team consists of three formidable women: Tyesha, an African American public health graduate student; Kim, known as "the lock whisperer," a petite Korean immigrant; and Kim's girlfriend Jodie, a six-foot-tall blonde dominatrix.

However, their endeavors attract the attention of a billionaire who doesn't seek the services of Marisol's employees but desires Marisol herself. Despite her vow to abstain from prostitution and love, Marisol is enticed by the prospect of a substantial payoff that could secure the future of her team and her clinic. Reluctantly, she agrees to play the role of a prostitute one last time. Yet, as she delves deeper into the risky endeavor, she grapples with unforeseen emotional and physical dangers, including the unexpected allure of an ex-cop involved in the case.

As Marisol's past resurfaces and her meticulously crafted plans begin to unravel, she must navigate the scrutiny of Manhattan's Central Robbery Unit, outmaneuver a violent pimp seeking revenge, and decipher the true intentions of the ex-cop in her life. With her clinic, team, and own safety at stake, Marisol draws upon her Lower East Side street smarts to survive.

While "The Manhattan Escort and Larceny Service" can be enjoyed as a standalone novel, it also holds potential for development into a series of 3-4 books, maintaining character and thematic continuity.

A bit about myself: My writing has been showcased on HBO's Def Poetry, featured in Essence Magazine, and published in various esteemed journals and anthologies, including "Spooks, Spies and Private Eyes: Black Mystery, Crime, And Suspense Fiction Of The 20th Century." I have received recognition from the San Francisco Chronicle, the San Francisco Bay Guardian, and the East Bay Express, as well as accolades from publications such as the Village Voice, Washington Post, and American Theatre Magazine. Additionally, New York's Theatre Communications Group has published one of my plays. With an MFA in fiction from Antioch University and experience teaching creative writing at UC Berkeley, I bring both literary expertise and real-world insights to my storytelling.

My online presence includes a blog with over 2,000 followers (ayadeleon.wordpress.com), over 300 Twitter followers (@ayadeleon), and 450 Facebook followers on my fan page. I maintain an email list of over 3,000 fans from my experiences as a performing poet and have contributed as a guest blogger to various reputable platforms, including Bitch Magazine, Mutha Magazine, and The Feminist Wire.

Attached below, as per your request, is the first chapter of "The Manhattan Escort and Larceny Service." I appreciate your time and consideration.



Age Range




Word Count


Book Link



Jenni Ferrari Adler

Query Stats


Number of Queries Sent


Number of Full Requests Received


Number of Offers of Representation


Number of Months Spent Querying This Novel

36 months


Years Spent Writing Before Getting an Offer


Number of Manuscripts Queried Before This One


Publication Status of The Book Queried

Published (Independent /Boutique / Indy Publisher)

Years Spent Writing Before This Book was Published


Note to Querying Writers:

I was a spoken word and hip hop theater artist for decades before I returned to novel writing and began seriously trying to get published.


The Resort


Kitty and The Midnight Hour