BY alena bruzes
rocky pond

Query Letter

Seventeen-year-old Virginia makes bad choices. In fact, she’s That Kind of Girl, according to the whispers. The gossip (true or false) doesn’t bother Virginia. As long as she has her ride-or-die group of girlfriends. Until she spends some quality time with Rumi, Safia’s boyfriend. Breaking with tradition, she doesn’t hook up with Rumi. Worse, she falls in love with him.

While Virginia and Rumi’s relationship grows in secret, she discovers his little sister, Oshanee, is being groomed for abuse. The soon-to-be abuser is a respected member of the community. Only Virginia knows who he is and what he does. If she doesn’t come forward, Oshanee will be a victim of the same person who abused Virginia.

Unfortunately, the aforementioned gossip makes Virginia an unlikely witness in the court of public opinion. Especially if word gets out about off-limits-Rumi. She is afraid nobody will believe her but Safia and their friends.

Virginia is tired of making bad choices. But right now everything seems like a mistake. She can’t tell Safia about Oshanee without exposing her relationship with Rumi. Somehow she has to protect Oshanee without destroying her group of friends, and she’s not sure that it’s possible.

EVER SINCE is contemporary YA and is complete at 64,000 words. It will appeal to fans of Nina LaCour and Kathleen Glasgow. I am a Seattle native, but for no good reason moved to Lincoln, Nebraska a few years ago. Now I do daily battle with three minions of Satan (my children), and in my off time (wait, I have no off time) stare at a wall and wonder why I have three kids.

A note based on your wish list, EVER SINCE is an epistolary novel. Virginia tells herself stories to cope with emotional trauma. The stories are folklore from around world. Each story reflects an emotion she is experiencing at the time. The arc of stories examines how female sexuality is treated in mythology.

Per your submission guidelines the first twenty pages are included. Please note this is a simultaneous submission.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



Age Range

Young Adult


Contemporary Fiction

Word Count


Book Link


Susan Hawk

Query Stats


Number of Queries Sent


Number of Full Requests Received


Number of Offers of Representation


Number of Months Spent Querying This Novel

2.5 months


Years Spent Writing Before Getting an Offer


Number of Manuscripts Queried Before This One


Publication Status of The Book Queried

Published (Big 5)

Years Spent Writing Before This Book was Published


Note to Querying Writers:

My previous attempts at getting an agent were so miserable (zero full/ partial requests both times) that I was convinced this was my last try before giving up writing altogether. It just goes to show you never know when something will stick!


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